Hi, I'm Mike Parker
With the constant support of my wife, Micah, and son, Prior, I am the owner and operator of Sleeping Lion Farm.
I'm a first-generation farmer with professional experience teaching and providing business technical assistance to farmers and other entrepreneurs.
From 2017-2021, I created educational programs on the topics of farmland access and marketing for the National Young Farmers Coalition. From 2019-2022, I ran a farm viability grant program for the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources. In 2018, I co-founded Farm Generations Cooperative, a unique farmer-owned co-op that started GrownBy, an app for buying and selling farm products.
I got into agriculture first through a passion for great food and an interest in sustainable land management, and then I learned to love cows.
Please reach out to me with any collaboration opportunities/inquiries, questions about the farm, or if you want to chat about one of my two favorite subjects: beef or the Grateful Dead.

Our Production Practices
During the grazing season—which here in central NY can span from May to November—we move our cattle to fresh pasture in a production system called management intensive rotational grazing. Frequent movement makes cows stronger and healthier, and their beef beefier because grazing cows actually use their muscles, which develops flavor. Since our cattle only eat grass and use a lot of energy moving around, they gain weight slower than conventional industry cattle. Older age also develops more flavor in the beef.
Rotational grazing is important for grasslands too. We give our pastures multiple months to recover after grazing, in an attempt to mimic natural cycles of large herds of herbivores moving destructively through the land. By leaving behind ample leaf matter—which the grasses need for photosynthesis—and giving the plants enough recovery time, our grasses build strong root systems that secure erodible land and transfer carbon into the soil. < Read that again! Farms with production practices like ours have proven that beef raised the right way can have a negative carbon footprint. (Read more about these studies here.)
Our environmental services don't stop at carbon sequestration. We are converting cropland into perennial, chemical-free pastures. Since our land provides a significant buffer between mono-crop conventional farms and Otsego Lake—the headwaters of the Susquehanna River, which flows into the Chesapeake Bay—we are helping to reduce nutrient pollution from New York all the way down to Virginia.

Our Beef
Ready to eat beefier beef? Place an order through GrownBy to pick up at our farm store or to be delivered to your home. We offer thick-cut steaks, mouthwatering roasts, and ground beef.

Our beef subscription is the most convenient and affordable way to stock your kitchen with grassfed beef that suits your eating habits, expands your culinary horizons, and makes you feel good about what you're feeding your family. You can pause or cancel any time.
Local customers can find all of our products and other locally produced provisions at our farm store.
All of the beef we sell is raised on our farm and processed at Empire Custom Processing, a USDA-licensed facility located 20 miles away from our farm.
If you have any questions about grassfed beef, please contact us. We would be happy to share our knowledge or point you toward an answer. The Good Meat Breakdown is a helpful starting point for learning about pasture-raised meats.